
Freemasons Run Our World

33 Degree Masons & Above Are Beyond Evil!

Freemasons Run Our World

11 Part Video Series

The Dark Forces are Running Our World

They've been planning the current take-over 1,000 years! 

by Altiyan Childs

Freemasons Exposed - Part 1   17:13

Freemasons Exposed - Part 2   19:20

Freemasons Exposed - Part 3    37:04

Freemasons Exposed - Part 4    27:05

Freemasons Exposed - Part 5   27:33

Freemasons Exposed - Part 6   31:00

Freemasons Exposed - Part 7   32:13

Freemasons Exposed - Part 8    29:40

Freemasons Exposed - Part 9     33:28

Freemasons Exposed - Part 10   30:32

Freemasons Exposed - Part 11   21:56

Altiyan Childs - Australian Rock Star   04:29

Altiyan Childs, a former Australian Rock musician, and a former Freemason who won The X Factor talent show award in 2010, which boosted his career in music to stardom status. 

Altiyan renounced his secret Freemason vows after being awakened by a whisper in his ear that woke him from a deep sleep, his driver had fallen asleep and the car was speeding straight into a brick wall.  He woke barely in time to grab the steering wheel and avoid the crash.

The penalty for renouncing your vows in Freemasonry is certain death, but he feels compelled to expose Freemasonry for what it is: the oldest religion in the world.

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