
Disclosure Series with Ray and Jason Shurka

Disclosure Part 1 An Interview with Ray and Jason Shurka

TLS, NASA, Extraterrestrial Life & The Global Agenda

Disclosure Part 2 An Interview with Ray and Jason Shurka

Antarctica, the Children, ET Life & more!

Disclosure Part 3 An Interview with Ray and Jason Shurka

Ray is an individual who Jason Shurka has been working with since June of 2018 that works with an undercover organization for the betterment of humanity known as TLS, The Light System. 

These explosive interviews are an in-depth discussion about Ray’s first-hand experiences with TLS, Extraterrestrials, extremely advanced technology, “supernatural” phenomenon, out-of-body travelling, NASA,  underground tunnels, the children, the Global Agenda and much more.

Disclosure Part 4 An Interview with Ray and Jason Shurka

God, Spirituality & Reincarnation "Jerusalem & The Dome of the Rock" "The Elders & Supernatural Abilities"
This one is different than all the others which is why I am so excited to share it with all of you.

Disclosure Part 5 - An Interview with The Black Widow and Jason Shurka

The first time "The Black Widow" from TLS is speaking on camera and sharing her experiences!
The world is changing because we are all coming together to make it happen!!!

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Proud American

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