
The Vaccine is Dangerous!

This vaccine they are creating is not a normal vaccine where they include a very small amount of the virus so our bodies form antibodies to build or immunity.  

A normal vaccine is a simple syringe with one needle and the liquid containing whatever's the vaccine is made of.

This new vaccine will contain special technology with three-pronged needles. The needle in the middle is the typical syringe where the material will flow through, but the other two needles are electrodes to generate an electric current inside of our cells to create an electrical charge.

What happens is that the electricity causes the cell membranes to create little holes called pores and then the genetic material can enter the cell through those pores whereas normally the cell membrane would be a barrier and keep the genetic material outside the cells.

This technique is a form of gene therapy so they will be changing the genetic makeup of our cells in the local area.  This is something that may be used for many purposes that we have no way to understand until after they are administered. We cannot know what these genes represent. 

The source of this genetic material is undetermined, what is extremely unsettling is the statement Bill Gates has made many times over the years, about his vaccines used for family planning, to reduce the world's population by 15%!  That would equate to around 1 billion people! 

 Other recent statements Gates has made, “We will not be able to get back to any kind of normalcy in our day-to-day lives like concerts, sporting events, or anywhere there are large gatherings of people until every single person is vaccinated!”

Bill Gates Briefing the CIA in 2005 | Proposed Mind-Altering Vaccine

Presenting a Mind Altering Vaccine for Middle East Religious Fanatics to the CIA | Pentagon

From the current date 9/22, this videos is 17 years & 5 months old. If this isn't Bill Gates it sure sounds like him. At the very least he must be his spokes person. Who else on the entire planet proposes and delivers such wicked vaccines to the highest level of government at headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense?

He is presenting a mind altering vaccine to the CIA on 4/13/05.

The Project Name: FunVax

Their Goal of Vaccine: To alter the minds of relious fundamentalists

Sounds to me that he's receiving some push back from CIA.

He's using a slideshow on the “VMAT2”, or “God gene” vaccine to eliminate religous fanatics.

His argument; religious fundamentalists would be less of threat if they received this vaccine.

When asked by a CIA agent when he was proposing this? He claims the proposal has “already been submitted” and the project has “great promise”.

The reason I reuploaded this video, all of George Soros, Clinton & Gates paid internet sweepers (fact checkers) have been removing all the videos from the internet about this, they removed it from our website.

They are claiming this is false, a hoax, or a prank! Does this video seem like a hoax to you?

They also say this video isn't Bill Gates. Well regadless if it is or isn't, it's not right to play God and alter peoples lives or take them!

And why would they go the the huge expense of sweeping nearly every video from the internet and spend millions in writers, fact checkers, and internet gurus to cover all this up, and write long-winded excuses stating that what you're seeing didn't happen; it's all a hoax?!?!

These people spend fortunes to hide their lies.

When will the general population stop taking their bait; falling for their lies?

YouTube, Google, and hundreds of other big corporations, and media is in on the great cover up. To find the honest truth you have to stop watching most all media channels. Follow only truther channels.

These people are being paid big money to lie, to entrap you in the end.

Wake up and help us defeat these evil people who are planning to depopulate the world by 95% r more....before it's too late.

Will you continue supporting these villans on the dark side, or go for the truth and light to fight for God and goodness in the world?

This war is all about God vs Evil, and has nothing to do with politics.

God always wins, it's time to make a stand; doing nothing is also a choice to remain on the dark side!

Without your support finding and sharing the most compelling videos that explain what's truly happening could not continue.

Anything at all you could do - a donation or a cup of coffee is greatly appreciated! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/LeslieO
and if that's not possible; please subscribe, like, comment, and share these videos.

We must wake the world and stop watching ALL News channels they deliver 100% propaganda and lies!

Search and share truth; we must all do our part in saving our world! When the world awakens the cabal will be dismantled.

Once they've been taken down, our lives will become better than ever! Every country will flourish, the way God intended!

It's going to take everyone in the world to help by looking for and understanding the truth; then saying NO to these wicked people.

The world united...will end the tyranny!

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~The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal
~Freemasonry Exposed
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God wins!



HR 6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act 

To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.

It Is to Become Federal Law to Receive this Vaccine!

"The vaccine that is coming... as many of you learned, Moderna is in its 3rd stage of vaccine testing. If all goes well it will become federal law to receive the vaccine. That's right, it will be mandatory unless enough people put up a fight!

Wake up, people!  We are being conditioned and controlled."

We can not wait until the vaccine is ready and people are deployed. The momentum to stop this needed to start months ago. The longer you wait to see what happens, the less our chances or ending the madness!



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Proud American

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