
The Real Story of January 6th | Criminal Police Killing Innocent Patriots!

This Democratic planned operation was staged by several Democratic members for a distraction and to set up President Trump for impeachment.

This is certainly no surprise to those who investigated the 9-11 operation. That event opened many people’s eyes to the extent of manipulation of false events perpetrated by various elements of the industrial military complex, and dark side of government, along with elements of a foreign government, to fool the public into supporting their enslavement.

On January 6, 2021 the American people expressed their outrage about the fact that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. The goal was to remove President Trump - who opposes the globalists agenda for a one world government - and replace him by Biden who strongly pushes the agenda of the World Economic Forum, to remove the sovereignty of the nations, and bring all of humanity under the rule of a totalitarian one world dictatorship.

On January 6, after a passionate speech of President Trump, thousands of peaceful American patriots - who deeply care about their country, and who have grave concerns about the future of America - walked to the Capitol.

Their only aim was to show the corrupt establishment of Washington DC that they know the election was stolen.

There was no insurrection, since nothing of the sorts had been communicated to or by anyone, and nobody expressed any such intention whatsoever. They simply walked to the Capitol to show the corrupt politicians who have sided with the criminal financial elites, that they love their country, and do not accept this rigged election.

Little did they know that the FBI had set a trap for them, in order to discredit the true American patriots, and falsely accuse President Trump of inciting an insurrection.

That the President repeatedly told the crowd to go home in peace, is of course blatantly ignored, as this totally ruins their fabricated narrative. After a completely made up Russian collusion lie, and two failed impeachments, the criminal politicians of Washington once again plotted to destroy Trump, and the patriot movement of America, through this carefully crafted ambush.

Multiple police officers were recorded on video, not only opening the gates to the Capitol, but even actively calling people to come through the gates, and enter the Capitol building.

Several protesters saw that this was not good, and called to bystanding law enforcement, who refused to do anything about it. It was clear they had orders to allow the people inside the building, and not obstruct them in any way.

Instead of prevent it, they all participated in encouraging the patriots to enter the building so that later the false claims could be made of an “insurrection”.

The trap was wide open, and many people found themselves caught in a military grade operation, where bad actors - dressed up as patriots - stirred up the crowd, trying to incite them to become violent.

Dr. Simone Gold, founder of Americas Frontline Doctors, an organization that stands for medical freedom, was present during January 6, and found herself being pushed into the Capitol building. As a result of this, the FBI violently raided her home, inflicting lifelong trauma on this brave physician, after which she was sentenced to prison for two months, on entirely false accusations.

Dr. Gold is one of the many victims of this FBI led operation, to discredit the millions of freedom loving, justice demanding Americans who have had enough of the severe corruption in their government.

Jan 6th was not an insurrection, but a trap for Trump and the American people who long for truth, justice and freedom to be restored in their land.

Please download it and share it far and wide. Send it to local government officials, law enforcement, and federal government officials. Some can be turned over to the good side, if they would learn the truth.

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Remember, God wins!

God bles!


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Proud American

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