
A Prophetic Announcement of The Return

We are at a pivotal moment in American and world history.  A moment that can permanently seal our nation's course and the course of the world for good, for bad, for calamity, or redemption.

America and much of Western civilization were founded on the biblical foundation.

But its’ turned away from that foundation. We have not only driven God out of our public life and have called what is good, evil and what is sin, good, but we have sacrificed the lives of over 60 million unborn children

And America's fall from God is not only progressing, it's accelerating.  To the point that it's no longer just a falling away, but a war against the purposes of God.

In the Bible the signs of judgment that appeared in the last days of ancient Israel warning of calamity.  And that these same signs of warning have now appeared on American soil. The biblical template concerning judgment is that the nation so warned is given a space of time to return or to head for judgment and calamity.

We are now in that window of time. But if America continues on its present course, that window will come to an end. And there will come a flood that will begin the end of religious freedom, even usher in persecution, and seal America's falling.

And if America falls, it will affect the entire world. 

This year, 2020, is crucial as it leads to a presidential election in which the stakes are higher and the necessity of prayer more critical than ever before.

And even if the election goes in the direction of biblical values and righteousness, if we don't see a spiritual turning, an awakening, repentance, revival, then all the political, legal, judicial, and cultural efforts will ultimately fail or be undone.

We have a window of time.

And the purpose of that window is to return, and for revival. Without that return, America will be lost. What can we do?

What can you do?

But if we don't respond now, at this most critical moment, we may never have the chance to do so again

In the days following 9/11 people flocked to houses of worship and it looked as if there could have been a spiritual revival, an awakening. But it never came. Because there was no repentance. And without repentance, without a turning back, there can be no revival.

But I have seen, once in my life, the hand of God change the course of American and world history. And it all began, not in the halls of government but with the people of God who gathered in a sacred assembly in our nation's capital with the scripture.

"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land."

The movement and chance we have before us now may never come again.  If we don't return now we may pass the point of no return. 

So now, for the calling and of the moment before us, let us each rise to that call.

To do what he has called us to do.

To believe for great and mighty things we know not of.  To return and seek to live in revival and become messengers of revival.

Not only as individuals but as a nation, according to 2 chronicles 7:14.

We are convicted that now is the time. 

Therefore, this is the announcing of The Return, the National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance.

It will be a day, and more than a day, a time, and a season, for the movement, for prayer, repentance, return, and revival. The central day will be:

The Washington Mall

Saturday, September 26

In a sacred assembly, according to what is laid forth in Scripture.

Come to the nation's capital; plan to come or gather wherever you are. 

And if you're watching this from a nation outside of America you can be part of bringing The Return to your nation.

Go to our website:  TheReturnWebsite.org

"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land."

The movement and chance we have before us now may never come again.  If we don't return now we may pass the point of no return. 

So now, for the calling and of the moment before us, let us each rise to that call.

To do what he has called us to do.

To believe for great and mighty things we know not of.  To return and seek to live in revival and become messengers of revival.

It's time to break up our fallow ground. It's time to seek the Lord as never before.

It's time to return.

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